Sunday, 5th of November2023 22nd Sunday after Pentecost (Rich Man and Lazarus)9:00 Holy Liturgy Wednesday, 8th of November2023 Synaxis of Archangel Michael and The Other Bodiless Powers: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Salachiel, Jegudiel and Balachiel9:00 Holy Liturgy Sunday, 12th of November2023 25th Sunday after Pentecost (Good Samaritean)9:00 Holy Liturgy Sunday, 19th of November2023 26th Sunday after Pentecost (Parable of Rich Man who Hoarded Posessions)9:00 Holy Liturgy Tuesday, 21st of November2023 The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple9:00 Holy Liturgy Sunday, 26th of November2023 30th Sunday after Pentecost (The Rich Aristocrat)9:00 Holy Liturgy Thursday, 30th of November2023 Andrew the First-Called Apostle,...